
Boosting Local Business with Spotify Ads: Real Strategies and Success Stories

With over 515 million active users worldwide and 40% on the free, ad-supported plan, Spotify isn't just a music platform—it's a goldmine for local businesses. Every day, millions tune into music, podcasts, and playlists, creating the perfect stage for your business to shine.

Floor Linskens
September 13, 2024
3 Min

Imagine your message reaching potential customers during their morning commute, workout, or relaxing evening. That's the power of Spotify's advertising platform—personal, timely, and incredibly effective. Take Rendez Vous, a barbershop that transformed its reach and revenue through Spotify's Ads. But, their success story isn't unique; brands like Gymshark and Airbnb have also leveraged Spotify’s unique platform to create targeted, engaging ads that connect with listeners, driving real results. In a world oversaturated with visual stimuli, Spotify offers something unique—a chance to whisper directly into your customer's ear. It's intimate. It's personal. And it's incredibly effective.

RendezVous Case Study – Growing a Local Brand with Spotify Ads

RendezVous, Canada’s fastest-growing barbershop chain, needed to stand out in a competitive market. By using Spotify ads and AI-powered targeting through Roya, they achieved impressive results with a relatively small budget. Here’s how they did it.

The Challenge: Reaching the Right Listeners in a Crowded Market

Despite having a solid reputation, RendezVous needed to tap into new audiences—especially busy young professionals who hadn’t visited their shops. Traditional advertising was costly and often ineffective in reaching the right people. They needed a more targeted approach to break through the noise.

The Solution: Hyper-Targeted Spotify Ads with AI Precision

Using Roya’s AI-powered platform, RendezVous created Spotify ads that spoke directly to their target market. These ads were personalized and strategically timed to reach potential customers when they were commuting or unwinding. One ad example included: “Between work and life, take a break and visit RendezVous for a fresh cut. Your day deserves it.” This targeted, conversational approach made the ads feel relevant and personal.

With Roya, the ads were delivered to listeners within a 10-mile radius of each barbershop, ensuring every dollar spent worked to connect with the right audience.

The Results: 25,000 Listeners for just $250

In just two weeks, RendezVous reached 25,000 local listeners for just $250, and we achieved a click-through-rate of 105%. Thanks to the precise targeting made possible by Roya, the campaign delivered exceptional results efficiently.

Takeaway: You don’t need a huge budget to make a big impact. Personalized, well-targeted ads, combined with smart storytelling, can connect with the right people and grow your business. Read the full Rendez Vous case study here.

Best Performing Spotify Ads and What Local Businesses Can Learn

Spotify ads work for both small businesses and big brands. Let’s look at a few examples of successful Spotify campaigns and how they used specific strategies to stand out.

Gymshark: Motivating Listeners During Workouts

Gymshark, a fitness clothing brand, used Spotify ads to target listeners during workout playlists. Their ad wasn’t just an ad; it was a motivational message. The ad said, “You’re already crushing your workout—now take your fitness gear to the next level with Gymshark.” Because the ad matched the listener’s mood, it felt natural, not forced. This approach boosted their conversion rate by 17%.

Takeaway: If your business targets a specific activity, like a gym or fitness service, match your ad’s tone with the playlist. Use language that fits what the listener is already doing. For example, for a gym, you might say: “Feeling strong? Keep that energy up with [Your Business]—first class free!”

Airbnb: Using Personal Stories to Build Trust

Airbnb took a different approach by focusing on personal stories from hosts and travelers. Their ad didn’t feel like a sales pitch; it felt like a friend sharing an experience. One ad said, “I’ll never forget my first Airbnb stay. The host welcomed me like family. Now, I use Airbnb for all my travels.”

This personal touch helped boost ad recall by 20% and increased engagement.

Takeaway: If your business is service-based, use real customer stories in your ads. This builds trust and makes your brand feel more relatable. A local plumber, for example, could tell a story about how they helped a family out of a home emergency.

Bacardi: Creating Branded Playlists for Engagement

Instead of running a traditional ad, Bacardi created branded playlists that matched their audience’s taste in music. They became part of the listener’s experience, not just an interruption.

Takeaway: Create a branded playlist that reflects your business. If you run a spa, curate a relaxing playlist and promote it through your Spotify ads. This is a subtle way to build brand awareness without being overly promotional.

Spotify ads are more than just a way to get your business heard—they’re an opportunity to connect with potential customers on a personal level. Whether through targeted messaging, storytelling, or syncing your ads with their favorite playlists, these audio spots make your brand a part of your audience’s daily routine. Just like RendezVous and other successful brands, you can turn listeners into loyal customers with well-crafted, strategically timed ads.

Remember, with Roya, you don’t need a massive budget to achieve these results. Take advantage of AI-powered targeting and let your business shine on Spotify, no matter how big or small your goals


1. How can Spotify ads help my local business grow?

Spotify Ads allow you to connect with local listeners during their daily routines, whether commuting or relaxing. By leveraging precise local targeting, you ensure your message reaches people nearby, building brand awareness and drive traffic. Read more here about how Spotify Ads can help your local business grow.

2. What makes Spotify Ads different from other platforms?

Unlike traditional banner or video ads, Spotify Ads allow you to speak directly to your audience. By integrating your ads into the listening experience, you can deliver a personal, story-driven message that resonates with listeners.

3. How can I ensure my Spotify Ads are effective?

Success comes from targeting the right audience and delivering relevant, well-timed messages. Use AI tools like Roya to automate ad optimization and continually refine your campaigns based on real-time data. For some extra inspiration, check out our blog on creative Spotify ad strategies—packed with ideas to make your ads stand out and truly connect with listeners.

4. Do I need a big budget to run Spotify Ads?

No! Spotify ads are flexible and can work with a range of budgets. For example, Rendez Vous achieved significant growth with just a relatively small budget, showing that smaller businesses can see big results with the right strategy.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.

1. Target Local, Think Global: Use Spotify’s local targeting to narrow in on your community while tapping into its massive global audience. A well-placed ad in the right playlist can capture local listeners at exactly the right moment.

2. Context is King: Match your ad to the listener’s context. Just like Gymshark targeted workout playlists with motivational messages, adapt your message to fit the mood of your audience to enhance engagement and increase recall.

3. Story-Driven Ads Win: Focus on telling a short, compelling story rather than just pushing a product. Spotify ads allow you to connect emotionally with listeners—build trust through stories that make your business feel personal and relevant.

4. Leverage AI for Precision: With AI-powered tools like Roya, automate ad optimization based on real-time data. This means your ads are continually refined to deliver the best performance—reaching the right audience, at the right time, with the right message.

Written by:
Floor Linskens
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