
Gym Marketing Playbook

Ready to grow your gym's membership? Discover powerful strategies to attract, engage, and convert new members with our Gym Marketing Playbook

Floor Linskens
September 13, 2024
3 Min

Looking to grow your local gym’s membership? This guide will show you the essential marketing strategies to attract new clients, engage with potential members, and keep them coming back. From user acquisition to retargeting, learn how to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Key Strategies for Marketing Your Local Gym

  1. User Acquisition
    • Start with Traffic Campaigns: Focus on driving visitors to your website. Clearly define your goal—whether it’s to generate visits, leads, or sign-ups.
    • Local Targeting: Position your gym with precise keywords relevant to your local area. Utilize negative keywords to avoid unwanted associations.
    • Lookalike Audiences: For Facebook ads, begin by targeting audiences similar to your existing members.
  2. Competition Targeting
    • Target Competitors: Use your competitors' names as keywords in your Google Ads campaigns. This strategy helps you capture the attention of people already searching for similar services.
  3. Lead Generation
    • Use Lead Ads: Once users visit your website, engage them with lead ads. Encourage interactions through forms, calls, or demo bookings.
    • Ad Extensions: Improve your Google Ads performance by adding phone numbers and lead extensions to increase your ad score.
  4. Retargeting
    • Retarget Visitors: Focus on retargeting those who have visited your website within the last 180 days but haven’t converted yet. This increases the likelihood of turning visitors into members.
    • Exclude Converted Users: To avoid redundancy, exclude those who have already signed up.


1. Why is targeting competitors in my ad campaigns important?

Targeting competitors helps you capture potential members who are already interested in similar services, giving you a competitive edge.

2. How can I make sure my ads reach the right local audience?

Use specific local keywords and negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic. Also, utilize Facebook's Lookalike Audience feature to find new potential members similar to your current ones.

3. What’s the best way to convert website visitors into gym members?

Engage visitors with lead ads that encourage them to take action, such as filling out a form, calling, or booking a demo. Adding ad extensions like phone numbers can improve conversion rates.

4. How often should I retarget potential members?

Retarget visitors who haven’t converted within the last 180 days. This keeps your gym top of mind and increases the chances of conversion after multiple interactions.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.

  • Target Competitors: Use their names as keywords to attract their audience.
  • Optimize for Local Traffic: Focus on precise, local keywords and exclude irrelevant ones.
  • Engage Visitors: Use lead ads with strong CTAs like “Get Quote” or “Sign Up.”
  • Retarget Effectively: Re-engage past visitors who haven’t signed up yet.
  • Written by:
    Floor Linskens
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