
How Much Should I Spend on Ads to Get Results?

Discover how to make every dollar count in your ad campaigns, whether you're just starting or ready to scale.

Floor Linskens
September 13, 2024
3 Min

When it comes to running ads, the most common question is, "How much should I spend to see real results?" This question is crucial, whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your efforts. The answer depends on your experience level, goals, and the specific platform you're using, such as Facebook or Google Ads. Let's break it down to give you a clear path forward.

1. If You’re Just Starting Out with Facebook or Google Ads

If you're new to the world of digital advertising, starting small is key. We recommend beginning with ad campaigns at $5 per day. This allows you to test different strategies and see what works best for your business. The advantage of using an AI ad tool like ours is that it helps you optimize your campaigns by automatically creating A/B tests, adjusting ad spend based on performance, and saving you money by pausing underperforming ads.

For beginners, it's ideal to run at least three different ad campaigns, each with a budget of $5 per day. This gives you a total daily spend of $15, which should be maintained for at least 14 days, though 30 days is preferable. This period allows you to gather enough data to make informed decisions about scaling your campaigns.

Example: You could run one Google Search Ad at $5 per day, alongside two Facebook Ads—one for retargeting and another for reaching new audiences. Test various elements like images, videos, ad copy, and targeting options. After the learning phase, typically around seven days, you'll have a better idea of what works and can optimize accordingly.

2. If You’re Looking to Scale Your Ad Spend

For businesses ready to scale, one of the key metrics to monitor is your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). This metric tells you how much it costs to acquire a new customer. If your CPA is profitable, you can increase your budget to reach more customers.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) at or below 30%. For example, if you're selling a product for $100, your ACoS should ideally be $30 or less. By continuously testing and optimizing, you can work towards lowering this cost further.

For newer companies, it's recommended to spend 12-20% of gross revenue on ads. If your goal is $100,000 in revenue for the year, aim to spend at least $12,000 on ads. Established companies should target 6-12% of their gross revenue.

3. How Do I Increase My Ad Spend After I Create the Ad?

Once your ad is up and running, you can easily increase your ad spend by editing your budget. Navigate to the Results section of your ad, click on the pencil icon next to your budget, and adjust as needed. It’s advisable to wait at least seven days before making any major changes to give the learning phase time to complete.

4. Where Does the Ad Spend Come From?

The ad spend is automatically charged to the payment method linked to your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other ad platforms. Ensure that your payment method is up-to-date and active to avoid any disruptions in your ad campaigns.


1. What is the minimum budget I should start with?

We recommend starting with $5 per day per campaign, with at least three campaigns running simultaneously. This gives you a manageable budget of $15 per day, allowing you to test different strategies effectively.

2. How long should I run my initial ads before making changes?

It’s best to let your ads run for at least seven days before making any adjustments. This period allows the learning phase to complete, giving you accurate data on what works and what doesn’t.

3. How do I determine my Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)?

Your CPA is calculated by dividing your total ad spend by the number of customers acquired. It's a critical metric for determining the profitability of your ad campaigns.

4. Can I change my ad budget after the campaign starts?

Yes, you can increase or decrease your ad budget at any time. However, it’s advisable to wait at least seven days after the campaign starts before making significant changes.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.

  1. Start Small: Begin with a budget of $5 per day per campaign to test different strategies without overspending.
  2. Run Multiple Campaigns: Aim for at least three different ad campaigns with varying targeting and creative elements to find what works best.
  3. Let Ads Run: Allow your ads to run for at least 7 days before making any changes to gather accurate data.
  4. Monitor Cost Per Acquisition: Track your CPA to ensure you're acquiring customers profitably; adjust your budget based on these metrics.
  5. Scale Wisely: Increase your budget gradually after successful tests, keeping your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) at or below 30%.
  6. Optimize Regularly: Continuously test new elements like ad copy, images, and targeting options to refine and improve performance.
  7. Check Payment Methods: Ensure your payment method on ad accounts is up-to-date to avoid disruptions in your campaigns.
  8. Set Realistic Revenue-Based Budgets: Allocate 12-20% of your gross revenue to ad spend if you're a new company; 6-12% for established businesses.

These tips will help you maximize your ad spend efficiency, ensuring you get the best results for your investment.

Written by:
Floor Linskens
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